Newsletter 3 | 2018


TURIN, FRIDAY 9 MARCH 2018, H. 15.00 | University of Turin
OPENING LECTURE OF ART | Aesthetic Research Torino: RICHARD SHUSTERMAN, “Winckelmann on Taste: A Somaesthetic Perspective”
Organizer: ART | Aesthetic Research Torino
ART | Aesthetic Research Torino is supported by DFE | Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’educazione, Dottorato FINO | Consorzio di Filosofia del Nord Ovest, CIM | Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Morfologia “Francesco Moiso”, LLC | Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale di Logica, Linguaggio e Cognizione, Centro Studi Arti della Modernità, LabOnt | Laboratorio di Ontologia.
ART is sponsored by: SIE | Società Italiana d’Estetica and ESA | European Society for Aesthetics
Venue: Aula Guzzo | Via Po 18 (Turin)
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TURIN, FRIDAY 16 MARCH 2018, H. 17.30 | GAM Torino
1st PIETRO DEBENEDETTI LECTURE: W.J.T. MITCHELL, “The Ship of Fools: From Metaphor to World Picture”
Organizers: Centro Studi Arti della Modernità and CIM | Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Morfologia “Francesco Moiso”, with the support of the University of Turin, in a partnership with DFE | Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’educazione, GAM Torino | Galleria civica di arte moderna e contemporanea.
Venue: GAM Torino, Sala Uno | Via Magenta 31 (Turin)
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TURIN, MONDAY 19 MARCH 2018, H. 15.00 | University of Turin
OPENING SESSION OF LAM | Laboratorio di studi sulla metafora: ALBERTO MARTINENGO on metaphor as a transdisciplinary issue
Organizer: CEST | Centro per l’Eccellenza e gli Studi Transdisciplinari, in a partnership with CIM | Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Morfologia “Francesco Moiso”
Venue: Aula Guzzo | Via Po 18 (Turin)
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CAGLIARI, 7-9 MARCH 2018 | University of Cagliari
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: “Il ‘pensiero per immagini’ e le forme dell’invisibile”
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SAN VITTORE OLONA (MILAN), SATURDAY 10 MARCH 2018, H. 16.30 | Biblioteca civica “Villa Adele”
LABORATORY OF PHILOSOPHY: ALBERTO MARTINENGO’s lecture on the hate speech and democracy
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A presentation on “Improvisation and Ontology of Art” will be given by Alessandro Bertinetto
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PAVIA, MONDAY 9 APRIL 2018, H. 18.00 | Almo Collegio Borromeo
SEMINAR ON IMAGE, organized by Silvana Borutti and Serena Feloj: ALESSANDRO BERTINETTO’s lecture on image and improvisation
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REVOLUTION AND ITS ENNEMIES: BETWEEN POLITICS AND PHILOSOPHY, special issue of “Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica”
Download the call for papers